Showing 52 products

LEMAX Moving building with LED lights and "Christmas Ballet" music H28 x 32.3 x 17.5 cm

LEMAX Moving and music building "Christmas Cake Factory" in resin H24.5 x 27.8 x 17.7 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "North Pole Outfitters" in resin H24.7 x 23.5 x 14.5 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "The Melted Snowflake" in porcelain H17.7 x 18.6 x 12.3 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "Christmas Eve At Grandma's" in resin H20.5 x 20 x 15 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "Derby & Sons Brewing Co." in porcelain H22 x 18.5 x 11.7 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "Danny's Donuts & Coffee" in porcelain H20 x 19.3 x 11.5 cm

LEMAX LED and musical illuminated building "The Merry Music Box" H26.2 x 25.8 x 18.3 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "Williams & Sons Country Store" in polyresin H20 x 25 x 16 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "Nejaime's Stockbridge Shop" in polyresin H28.2 x 33 x 15.5 cm

LEMAX LED illuminated building "Antique & Gift Shop" in polyresin H26 x 24.8 x 17.8 cm

LEMAX Illuminated Building "Santa'S Stratospheric Observatory" Build your own Christmas village

LEMAX Illuminated Building "Wheelie'S Cycle And Skate Shop" Build your own Christmas village

LEMAX Illuminated Building "Winterfest Arts & Crafts Show" Build your own Christmas village

LEMAX Illuminated and animated building "Top Pizza" Build your own Christmas village

LEMAX Illuminated Building "Christmas Cheer Bottling Company" Build your own Christmas village

LEMAX Illuminated building Tiny House Tree Build your village in resin 12.5 x 17 x 13 cm

LEMAX Christmas village shop "Holiday Hamlet Christmas Shoppe" with porcelain lights and sounds
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